
How to Repair Your Oven Clock & Timer

In the bustling kitchen, a reliable oven clock and timer are indispensable. When these components malfunction, it can disrupt your cooking routine. Fortunately, with a bit of know-how and the right parts, you can quickly restore functionality to your stove or oven. In this guide, we will answer popular questions in detail: why does my oven clock keep resetting, how to change clock on oven, how to fix digital clock on oven? Let's delve into how to fix digital clock on stove.

How to Fix Digital Clock on Stove

  • Step 1: Identify the Issue Firstly, assess whether the problem lies with the clock itself or the power source. Ensure the stove is unplugged before proceeding.
  • Step 2: Access the Clock. Depending on your stove model, gaining access to the clock may involve removing a panel or accessing it from the front. Refer to your appliance manual for specific instructions.
  • Step 3: Inspect for Damage. Check the connections and wiring for any signs of wear or damage. Often, a loose wire or corroded connection could be the culprit.
  • Step 4: Replace Faulty Parts. If you find damaged components, it's time for replacements. Head to sundicoparts.com to browse through a wide selection of stove parts, including clocks and timers. Ensure compatibility with your stove model before purchasing.

How to Fix Digital Clock on Oven

  • Step 1: Safety First, always prioritize safety. Turn off the power supply to your oven and wait for it to cool down before attempting any repairs.
  • Step 2: How to fix digital clock on Samsung stove? Locate the Clock Similar to stoves, ovens may have their clocks situated behind a panel. Carefully remove the necessary panels to access the clock.
  • Step 3: Assess the Situation, inspect the clock for any visible damage or loose connections. Sometimes, simply reseating connectors can resolve the issue.
  • Step 4: Procure Replacement Parts. If the clock is beyond repair, you'll need a replacement. Sundicoparts.com offers a range of oven clocks and timers suitable for various oven models. Select the appropriate part and proceed with your purchase.

Remove Manual Buttons (If Any)

  • Step 1: Unfasten the Buttons For ovens equipped with manual buttons, gently pry them off using a flathead screwdriver.
  • Step 2: Disconnect Wiring (If Necessary) Some button assemblies may be connected to wiring harnesses. Disconnect these carefully to avoid damage.

Remove the Old Clock/Timer

  • Step 1: Unscrew Mounting Screws Use a screwdriver to remove any screws securing the old clock/timer in place.
  • Step 2: Disconnect Wiring Carefully detach the wiring connectors from the old clock/timer.
  • Step 3: Remove the Old Component Once the wiring is disconnected, carefully remove the old clock/timer from its housing.

Reinstall the New Clock/Timer

  • Step 1: Position the New Component Carefully place the new clock/timer into the designated housing, ensuring it aligns correctly.
  • Step 2: Connect Wiring Reconnect the wiring harnesses to the corresponding terminals on the new clock/timer.
  • Step 3: Secure in Place Use screws to secure the new clock/timer in place, ensuring it is firmly attached.

How to Change Clock on Oven

  • Step 1: Access Settings Menu Refer to your oven manual to access the settings menu. Navigate to the clock settings.
  • Step 2: How to set time in oven? Input Time Follow the prompts to input the current time using the oven's controls.
  • Step 3: Confirm Changes Once the time is set, confirm the changes to save them.


Repairing a malfunctioning oven clock and timer doesn't have to be daunting. By following these step-by-step instructions and sourcing quality replacement parts from sundicoparts.com, you can quickly restore functionality to your appliance. Remember to prioritize safety throughout the repair process and consult your appliance manual for model-specific guidance. If oven clock display not working—take action today to get your oven ticking perfectly once again.

When looking for replacement parts for stoves, it's important to rely on reputable suppliers such as Sundico Parts to guarantee both quality and compatibility. For any repairs needed for your appliances, it's wise to turn to trusted suppliers like sundicoparts.com to make the process smooth and effectively restore your kitchen's functionality.